2022 has brought along some wow God moments with it. Here are some situations where Christians believe God did a miracle.
Deaf 4-year-old able to hear for the first time at Christian festival
A four-year-old boy was able to hear for the first time whilst attending United - a New Wine festival in August.
Whilst the boy hasn't been publically named, crowds celebrated when the news was shared from the festival stage.
Rev Kate Wharton, assistant national director of New Wine, told Premier: "A four-year-old boy who was born deaf, and was prayed for during the week, was able to hear for the first time; his mum told this delightful story of him staying awake whispering to his brother all night."
Church surrounded by flames but remains untouched in East London 'miracle'
A church in Wennington "miraculously" survived after bring surrounded by a wildfire.
As record temperatures in July, almost 20 homes were destroyed as the blaze ripped through the terraced homes.
The graveyard of Wennington Church was scorched by the flames, which surrounded the Grade II listed St Mary and St Peter's Church.
Despite being just centimetres from the roaring fire, on all sides, the church building was unharmed.
The vicar has called it a "miracle" thanks to the careful work of the church warden.
Miracles are already happening in Ukraine say the 'Angels' of Kyiv
The Deputy General Secretary of the Ukrainian Bible Society said miracles were taking place in Ukraine, despite the horror of war.
In March, Anatoliy Raychynets, in Kyiv, said an increasing amount of people were turning to Christianity to find light in the darkness since the Russian invasion began. He said the power of God was preventing even worse devastation.
He told Premier: "We are very grateful to all of you who are standing with us in prayer and solidarity. I want to tell you that with prayer we see so many miracles. I have seen personally many miracles over the last 16 days - when bombs or rockets have fallen but not exploded and lots of lives have been saved because of that. Russian tanks have been left because they were empty of fuel and soldiers have run off.
"In Odesa, in the Black Sea, there has been a storm for four days and ships couldn't come closer to the city to shoot rockets. So prayers are already bringing results and miracles are saving a lot of lives."