Testimonies have been flooding in, including of sight being restored at a 336 hour event of non-stop prayer and worship for the Commonwealth Games and Birmingham city.
The event called Burn 247 began on 25th July at Elim Church and continues until 8th August.
England have already won a whopping 106 medals in the Commonwealth Games, sitting second in the league table, below Australia.
Burn 247's co-director Claire Dillamore told Premier of the extraordinary ways the Lord is moving:
"We have really felt a burden to intercede over all the nations and territories of the Commonwealth and so in the last 10 days we have prayed for all 72 at least once."
"It's been going super well, we are very encouraged with the number of people that have engaged with what we're doing, both in the prayer room in the worship space, and in terms of teams that have been coming here and worshipping with us and then going out on the streets, to share the love of Jesus with people."
"We have had many reports coming in from teams on the streets of salvations happening, of healings happening, we've had pain being completely gone, we've even had one testimony of sight being restored.
"We even had a beautiful report yesterday, there was a team of young people, 50 of them, from Scotland and our team apparently formed a joy tunnel outside one of the games venues.
"It was just literally inviting people to come through the middle of two lines of young people just encouraging and blessing them."
Ms Dillamore has asked if people can pray for their teams as they continue with their event: "There's still a lot of opportunity to go out onto the streets and share the gospel.
"I'm praying for those encounters to continue on the streets, praying for favour with authorities that are giving permission and praying for really great connections with people that are eager to hear the name of Jesus."