A missionary who fled Ukraine with her children has described her overwhelming peace, despite her husband staying in the country 'until Putin leaves.'
Sharyn Borodina has lived in Ukraine for 20 years; she and her husband work with 'Youth With a Mission' in a base camp in Ternopil, Western Ukraine.
When rumours of invasion started to spread Sharyn and her daughters fled to Poland, and then onto Idaho - her native home.
Despite the devastating news coming out of Eastern Europe, Sharyn says she feels total peace about the situation.
She said: "It is a David and Goliath kind of story.
"What the government of Russia underestimated is the spirit of the Ukrainian people, and they will fight for their home, they will fight for their liberty.
"We're hearing time and time again, that the Ukrainian army is saying 'we recognise that there's no reason that we are able to hold back the enemy forces', they know that God is helping them they're seeing miracle after miracle; bombs dropping that don't explode, Russian tanks that run out of gas for no reason, Russian soldiers who are putting down their weapons and giving themselves up as POWs because they're not passionate about this conflict."
Dominic Raab - the UK's deputy Prime Minister - has described Putin's invasion of Ukraine as a "perilous misadventure."
The Ministry of Defence says Russian forces have made barely any progress in their efforts to take hold of the capital, Kyiv.
However, surveillance reports suggest a 40-mile long convoy is headed for Kyiv - much larger than originally estimated.
Despite the situation, Sharyn and her husband are placing their faith in God.
She continued: "I get my news from the people that are on the ground, including my husbands, who feel we have such a peace.
"A lot of people ask me 'how on earth can you be going through this time with your husband?'
"We have two teenage daughters.
"My husband is told me this morning that he's there until Putin leaves.
"We have this incredible peace about that.
"We actually haven't had a single breakdown thus far. In terms of tears. I mean - we're weepy.
"We just know that he is where the Lord has been right now and he's with our youth submission team right there in Ternopil.
"They are the hands and feet of Jesus.
"They are giving people hope, who have lost everything."