Millions of households are going to receive £400 off their energy bills in order the alleviate the effects of the rising cost of living.
Rishi Sunak has set out a £15-billion support package to tackle the impact of rising inflation - which has reached a 40-year high.
The discount will come in from October, and does not need to be paid back.
Pensioners will recieve £300; those with disabilities will recieve half that sum.
The plans also see eight million of the lowest income households recieve a one-off payment of £650.
Elizabeth Jewkes, Director of Lib Dem Christian Forum thinks the discount won't help struggling families.
She said: "I don't think it's going to make enough of a difference.
"I'm seeing prices rise phenomenally. "Prices go up all the time and I'm just shopping for my family.
"I think well hold on how much is this?
"Some of these prices rising are absolutely ridiculous, I used to pay £13 for a bag of dog biscuits, now I pay £19!
"I just really feel for people who are going to have to choose about whether they heat their homes or have something to eat."
Jewkes believes one of the biggest things they could do is to install a windfall tax on energy companies.
She also feels she knows practical ways churches can find to support people, she also said: "There's a lot of problems with food waste, that food waste could be diverted to help the poor locally to us.
"We have a free food box, and it's now quite a large cupboard and several boxes, where a couple of local women go and collect food from supermarkets that they were going to throw out.
"They literally leave it on their drive in a cupboard or boxes, and we go and help ourselves and that food is perfectly fineand edible, and more of that would really help people."