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World News

Father imprisoned in Egypt for Christian comments declares hunger strike

by Anna Rees

A Christian convert who has been imprisoned in Egypt for nearly three years for discussing theology with Christian converts in a private Facebook group has announced that he is going on a hunger strike.

The Alliance for Defending Freedom is calling for the immediate release of Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo, after he revealed plans to gradually intensify the strike until it becomes a "full strike," during which he will refuse both food and any healthcare.

The father of five, originally from Yemen, was arrested in 2021 after an appearance on a Christian TV channel where he discussed his conversion from Islam to Christianity and the persecution of Christians in Yemen, according to  the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). 

Another Christian convert, Nour Girgis, was also arrested for participating in the TV program. Both have been held in pre-trial detention for nearly three years, with their trials repeatedly postponed and their locations frequently changed. As a result, their physical health has deteriorated.

Nour Gigis, who was wrongfully imprisoned alongside Abdo

Abdo announced his hunger strike in a letter to his wife and children. Portions of the letter, some of which have been redacted, have been published by ADF. It reads:

“My beloved wife and children, who are precious to my heart and soul. My dear, I miss you a lot, a lot a lot. And I pray to God that he will protect you and make you successful in all your situation of your life. And my prayer is that God will unite us together soon.”

 “I started today on the 7 of August 2024 a partial strike. And I refuse to take treatment from the person who is responsible for healthcare in the prison. And I requested from him to tell the management in the prison that I am doing so. I am going to increase my strike in stages until I make the strike complete during the coming weeks. And the reason of my strike that they arrested me without any legal justification.

“They did not convict me for any violation of the law. And they did not set me free during my remand imprisonment which was ended 8 months ago.”

 “I love you all, Daddy.”

Kelsey Zorzi, ADF International’s Director of Advocacy for Global Religious Freedom stated: “This is a devastating cry for help from Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo must not be ignored, and it is past time for Egyptian authorities to release him and Nour Girgis from their unwarranted and unlawful detention. We are utilizing every mechanism available to ensure that both men are released and returned to their families.”

US Representative Chris Smith, Chairman of the House Global Human Rights Subcommittee said: “The government of Egypt has imprisoned Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo for more than two years for no known reason – other than that he shared his Christian faith on Facebook with other converts to Christianity.

“His imprisonment is a grave and grotesque violation of his human rights. News of his hunger strike makes it more urgent than ever that he be released. I appeal to the government to release Abdo into a safe situation, and I appeal to UNHCR to protect and prioritize vulnerable or endangered applicants, including Christian converts from Islam and those accused of blasphemy.”

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