Speaking on Premier's News Hour, Rev Mark O'Donoghue said the Church is by definition political so should help with the inquiry the Prime Minister has announced will be judge-led.
Highlighting the importance of the Church in not shying away from politics Rev O'Donoghue said: "Where there is wickedness, and where there is error, and where there are serious breaches of basic care, I think we need to be calling people out on it.
"I have no hesitation as a keen Christian with saying we ought to be at the forefront."
Thirty people are known to have died in the Grenfell Tower disaster - and it's feared many more lost their lives.
A further 12 are in a critical condition after flames engulfed the west London block within minutes.
The council at the centre of the fire disaster says it will do its best to re-house families affected by the deadly fire in the borough but admits some could end up elsewhere in London - as hundreds of people have been left displaced.
Council leader for Kensington and Chelsea, Nick Paget-Brown, has dismissed suggestions sprinklers weren't installed during a big refurbishment of the block to save money and says the council is consulting on what to do with its other towers and estates that need regeneration.
Rev O'Donoghue said that the Church should help people get the answers to the questions surrounding the fire.
He added: "Where there are faults to be addressed - we need to be encouraging the Royal Borough to do all the investigations they do. We need to be supporting the police and the first responders who have been utterly heroic and we need to be supporting the Government in this public inquiry.
He encouraged Christians to pray for "God's grace to sustain people" and said he was praying that people "in the midst of their lostness and their helplessness would turn to the One who is the good shepherd - who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords."
Listen to Rev Mark O'Donoghue speaking with Premier's Marcus Jones: