Addressing a question from Christian Tory MP Sir Gerald Howarth during Prime Minister's Questions, David Cameron also went on to praise the role of the Archbishop of Canterbury in addressing the issue.
He said: "I join my honourable friend in saying that we should do everything we can to defend and protect the right of Christians to practise their faith the world over. That is an important part of our foreign policy. Let me commend Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the excellent work he does in that regard."
Sir Gerald also asked the Prime Minister to remind the British people that we are a country fashioned by our Christian heritage and that is what has made us a welcoming country to refugees.
In his response, Mr Cameron said: "Yes, Britain is a Christian country. I believe that the fact that we have an established faith and that we understand the place of faith in our national life makes us a more tolerant nation and better able to accommodate other faith groups in our country.
"That is why, as I said earlier, we should be proud that this is one of the most successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith, multi-religion democracies anywhere in the world. That is not in conflict with our status as a predominantly Christian country; that status is one of the reasons why we have done it."