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Parliament - copyright F1 Online/REX
UK News

Christians urged to take part in voting survey

The Evangelical Alliance wants to know how its members intend to vote so it can create a plan to get more people involved and interested in politics.

Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance, said the organisation is aiming to find out if Christians will vote any differently to people of other faiths or none.

He said: "This survey seeks to find out which issues actually influence how evangelicals vote.

"Are they as disenchanted as the rest of the population? Do they pray about who to vote for? And do they have strong opinions about who Jesus would vote for if he lived in the UK today?

"The Evangelical Alliance is passionate about encouraging Christians to engage in public life, and this survey offers food for thought for all of us, who may not have stopped and thought in detail about why we vote how we do, or been encouraged by our churches to get involved in political issues."

You can take the survey here.

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