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Christian woman with mental health issues arrested on blasphemy charges in Lahore

by Rachel Huston


A christian woman has been arrested on blasphemy charges in Lahore.

Jameela Bibi - who has mental health issues - was taken in after an 'trivial' altercation with a shopkeeper over shampoo.

Now she's been accused of  blasphemy which is illegal in Pakistan and punishable by death.

The incident, which took place on 4th June, has further concerned the Christian community in the country. Last month 74-year old christian Nazir Masih was attacked by a 400-strong mob who accused him of burning pages of the Koran. He later died.

According to the British Asian Christians Association, Bibi was visiting Ashiq Super Store to buy shampoo though there was a disagreement over the type which is said to have spiralled into a heated exchange between Jameela and the shopkeeper, Muhammad Asif.

Asif went on to file a complaint against her at the North Cant Police Station, alleging  she had made blasphemous remarks against the Prophet Muhammad.

She was arrested under section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code.

Bibi’s family say Jameela has a tendency to wander the streets, often engaging in activities such as begging or collecting plastic bottles.

Fearing reprisals, many local christians have vacated their homes. Christian leaders Pastor Asif Khokhar and Pastor Samson Anayat have petitioned the Inspector General of Punjab, urging him to ensure the safety of Christian residents so they can return without fear of persecution


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