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Christian mother wins right to raise child in the UK

by Aaron James

Ms Justice Russell ruled that the woman can adopt the youngster, now six, after she was originally found abandoned in a cardboard box in Luxor in Egypt shortly after her birth in 2010.

She said no one involved could be identified - but she said Liverpool City Council had welfare responsibilities for the child and indicated that the woman came from Liverpool.

After the girl was found an orphanage run by a UK charity placed her in the care of the woman, who was living in Egypt with her Egyptian husband at the time.

About three years ago the woman had brought the little girl to the UK after separating from her husband and made an adoption application.

The woman, brought up as a Christian, argued that the little girl was "flourishing" and should stay with her in the UK.

Her husband, a Muslim lawyer still living in Egypt, wanted the child to return to Egypt. He said she should either return with the woman or live with his relatives.

Officials at the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity also said the youngster should return to her country of birth, arguing that the adoption was not recognised under Egyptian law and the child was a Muslim who might lose her heritage if she was brought up by a non-Muslim in England.

But Ms Justice Russell concluded that staying in England with the woman would be in the girl's best interests and that adoption would give the child a secure base.

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