Ministers say children whose mums and dads are at loggerheads are less likely to do well at school.
The Department for Work and Pensions' analysis suggests that three-quarters of children in workless families fail to reach the expected level at GCSE.
The Government's £215 million Troubled Families Programme is also going to focus on getting unemployed families into jobs, along with tackling drug and alcohol addiction. Around £30 million will go into programmes to help parents resolve conflict.
Speaking on Premier's News Hour Lindsay Fisk, Marriage Support Manager at Care for the Family said the Government's new programme was a good idea.
She said: "We work with families across the board and we know that the quality of the relationship between adults in all cases can have a huge impact on the children, so actually investing in relationship support is really important.
"Children who experience conflicting parents are increased risk of behavioural problems, perform less well in school, need more medical treatment and are more likely to leave home at a younger age. There are so many areas where their live are impacted."
Listen to Alex Williams speaking to Lindsay Sisk here: