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Hollywood actor Danny Trejo speaks about faith in new memoir

by Premier Journalist

For many people, Danny Trejo is an actor who reminds them of his role as overly violent Machete in 2010, or the uncle in Spy Kids (2001). But few may realize that Trejo is also a vocal man of faith.

77-year-old Trejo recently partnered with fellow actor Donal Logue to publish Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood. The book goes into extensive detail about Trejo's life, including his abusive childhood, his time in prison and how he came to faith.

In an interview with Fox News, Trejo said that he discovered faith when he was 22, when he made a promise to the Almighty. “First of all, I made a deal with God in 1968. I said, ‘If you let me die with dignity, I’ll say your name every day. And I’ll do whatever I can for my fellow inmate.’ I never thought I was getting out of prison. And God let me out of prison. I got out on Aug. 23, 1969,”

Since then, Trejo has placed his life in God's hands; fully aware that God would protect him. "I have to say that with God, nothing can hurt you. Anything is possible. Without God, you’re dead. And I know I would be without the faith I have,”

“I wake up every morning and say, ‘Dear Heavenly Father, please let me help whoever I can for my fellow man. And I’ll say your name every day and I’ll do whatever I can,’" the actor continues with a humorous smile on his face. "And it’s been working. He lived up to his deal. I’m living up to mine. I even asked God a couple of days ago, ‘How am I doing?’ He said, ‘Trejo, you’re doing great. Keep it up. You’re almost out of hell’."

Trejo says that, as a child, he consumed marijuana and drank alcohol. By 13, Trejo was an addict and had gotten involved in a lot of crime. It wasn't until prison that he got clean and realized the error of his ways. Since then, he's put a heavy emphasis on his family. “Now, I tell my kids I love them every day. I’ll call them up and say, ‘I love you and you’re the apple of my eye.’ I guess I’m doing everything my parents didn’t do. And yet, I refuse to blame them. That was what they knew."

Trejo has been acting for 36 years, with roles in more than 300 film and television shows. He also operates several businesses in the Los Angeles area. 


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