The Pope has advised Catholics to bring their sins to the Father during the coronavirus outbreak if a priest is unavailable.
Speaking in his Homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis encouraged worshippers to return to God during the period of Lent, citing the example of the prodigal son in the gospel of Luke.
In preparation for Easter, many Catholics visit a priest to confess their sins.
The pontiff advised believers to seek God for forgiveness if a priest is unavailable to lead them in confession.
He explained that the presence of a priest was not necessary to receive absolution from God.
"Do what the catechism says. It's very clear. If you don't find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He's your Father. Tell Him the truth: 'Lord. I did this and this and this. Pardon me.' Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, 'afterward I will go to confession.' You will return to God's grace immediately.
"You yourself can draw near, as the catechism teaches us, to God's forgiveness, without having a priest at hand."