At the audience held in the Vatican's Paul VI hall, the Catholic leader said survivors must rebuild their hearts as well as their homes with a foundation built on hope.
The pontiff said: "It is not optimism, there is no place for optimism. Yes, for hope but [not for] optimism, which is momentary; it isn't sustainable.
"In order to rebuild, you need hope."
More than 800 people travelled from the affected region in central Italy to Rome for the audience with the Pope.
On 24 August 2016 central Italy was struck by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake. More than 290 people were killed in the disaster, mostly residents of the town of Amatrice.
Pope Francis made a surprise visit to Amatrice at the start of October to pray for the people there.
The same region received extensive damage in earthquakes on 26 and 30 October 2016. Many buildings were reduced to rubble.
At the audience, the Pope listened to stories from the survivors and heard about how the towns were dealing with the aftermath of the disaster.
"Each one of you has suffered something. Some have lost a lot - children, parents, spouse," the Pope said.
Pope Francis concluded the meeting by thanking the survivors, the clergy and volunteers "who have taken part in your pain."
"Thank you for all that you've done to help each other in rebuilding hearts, homes, the social fabric and, with your example."