Revd Paul Anderson-Walsh, founder of The Grace Project, was caught off guard in a Tesco store when he family took over the tannoy system to tell him how much they loved him.
Revd Paul Anderson-Walsh, called Paul Thomas over the loud speaker system, told Premier he was overwhelmed by the gesture ahead of Father's Day on Sunday.
He told Premier what happened: "They put this amazing sting together, and I can only call it a sting because I was so shocked.
"I thought I was taking her out on a casting, when it turned out that what had actually happened was it was a Father's Day commercial and then the tannoy goes off and calls my name."
He went on: "And then the next thing I know is that I can hear Francesca my daughter, and I was just looking at her thinking why are your lips not moving, I can hear you speaking, what's going on?
"Then it dawned on me - oh my gosh what's happening, and it was a pre-recorded message she'd done with them, just giving me the most unbelievably beautiful Father's Day gift. I was just speechless.
"I honestly didn't know what to say, I was just absolutely overwhelmed, it was just so wonderful."
Listen to Premier's Hannah Tooley speak to Revd Paul Anderson-Walsh here: