Christian Ministry, Groundwire, have reported more than 190,000 young people have turned to Christ last year.
The Ministry also stated that this positive pattern has no signs of slowing down either.
President of the Christian Organization, Sean Dunn told Premier his success was rooted in targeting the right people.
Sean who spoke to Faithwire, told Premier: “We’re not going after the atheists.
“The media would want us to believe that everybody’s an atheist, but, truthfully, 71 per cent of Millennials [and] Gen Z believe that God.”
Despite believing in God, many young people still choose to ignore him, especially in today’s chaotic culture.
Groundwire, a group that seeks to help youths enter into personal relationships with Christ, currently uses popular media channels to connect with Millennials and Gen Zers in the digital spaces through which they currently engage.
Dunn told Premier how he and his group help bring so many young people to Jesus:
“What we’re really good at doing is interrupting them on their entertainment — on their small screen — and bringing to light their need, their purpose.”
“We don’t need to convince them that [God’s] real.
“We need to remind them that he’s relevant and he becomes relevant when he intersects [at] that point of need in their life.”
Groundwire turns to social media platforms to meet young people where they are.
With some youths looking at their phones more than 100 times a day, encountering them where they gather has been incredibly effective.
Dunn continued: “We can’t get them to go to church, but we can’t get them to put down their phones,”
“So, what we do is we use Hollywood-produced content.”
With short attention spans, Dunn said his organization appeals to young people with short video pieces that effectively grab their interest.
Then once that attention is snagged, Groundwire has people ready to chat with them 24 hours a day.
Dunn’s operation then uses sites like to “point [them] toward Christ.”
Groundwire’s results have been incredible, with the group seeing more than 116,000 faith professions in 2020 and 192,000 for the entirety of 2021.