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Malcolm Duncan to take up senior pastor role at Kensington Temple

by Premier Journalist
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Malcolm Duncan will take up a new ministry role as the senior pastor of Kensington Temple in London, it has been announced.

Rev Duncan is currently the senior pastor at Dundonald Elim Church in Northern Ireland and has been an ordained minister in the Elim movement since 1997. 

In a statement, Dundonald Elim said that the National Leadership and General Superintendent of Elim "believe strongly that this is God's will" for Malcolm to take on the leadership of the movement's flagship church in Notting Hill, London. 

"After over six years of fruitful ministry here at Dundonald Elim, Pastor Malcolm has been asked by the General Superintendent and National Leadership Team of our Movement to leave our church and take up the role of Senior Pastor at Kensington Temple in London," the church said. 

"The National Leadership Team and the General Superintendent believe strongly that this is God’s will for Malcolm and Debbie at a particularly challenging time in the life of Kensington Temple."

The statement continued: "Having prayed about this, Malcolm and Debbie also believe that this is God’s will for them. Malcolm informed our Senior Leadership Team of this decision last week and we are deeply grateful to him and Debbie for the ministry they have brought to us and although they will be missed, we do not want to stand in the way of the clear leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit."

While admitting that it was hard to let Rev Duncan go, the church said it had "a deep assurance that God will continue with us and lead us into the future as we wait upon Him and continue to put Jesus at the centre of our Church".

It added: "As the Senior Leadership Team of elders and deacons, we want to assure you of our prayers, and that we are available to talk things through and pray with you. We believe that God has His hand upon our church, and we are excited about what lies ahead."

Dundonald Elim will now start the discernment and search process for a new senior pastor. Rev Duncan's final Sunday with the church will be Sunday 7th July. He will commence his new role at Kensington Temple on Sunday 21st July. 

Rev Duncan was formerly the senior pastor of Goldhill Baptist Church in Gerrards Cross before joining Dundonald Elim in 2018. He is the author of 16 books including Good Grief: living with sorrow and loss, which was published in 2020.

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