Jennie Allen, renowned Christian author, shared the remarkable testimony of spiritual revival among college students, this time at Florida State University (FSU).
Through Instagram and Facebook posts, Allen revealed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with hundreds of students undergoing baptism at FSU's Westcott Fountain.
Despite FSU's reputation as a top "party school," Allen noted a profound spiritual awakening, with thousands of students confessing their struggles and sins, and hundreds embracing Christ.
One Instagram user responded, "My daughter was one of the students who was baptized in the fountain that night after the conference! Praise God!!!"
Another user wrote, “My friend got baptised! You are perfect witness to the amazing things the Lord has done during out time here.”
Responding to inquiries about follow-up, Allen assures that local churches are actively engaging with baptised students to nurture their newfound faith.
One student shared the emphasis on finding church communities, underscoring the desire to remain connected and grow spiritually.
She wrote "Hello! I was one of the students there last night! One thing I thought was BEAUTIFUL about unite was the emphasis on FINDING A CHURCH HOME! They had tables outside with college groups from many local churches and asked everyone to fill out information to get connected! We want these souls on fire to get plugged in."
The spontaneous baptisms started from the Unite FSU event, a worship gathering at the university's Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, featuring speakers Jonathan "JP" Pokluda and Jennie Allen. Unite, a movement uniting college students in worship, seeks to exalt the name of Jesus.
Throughout 2023, USA based CBN News reported on additional signs of revival, including multiple mass baptism events all over the country that don't appear to be slowing down…