Nearly 1 in 3 viewers of the widely acclaimed TV series, The Chosen, consists of non-Christians, according one of the show's leading creators.
The show, currently in its fourth season, portrays the life of Jesus and His disciples as documented in the Gospels.
In an interview with Christian Headlines, Katherine Warnock, Vice President of The Chosen said that"about 30% were either curious about Christianity or just no Christian faith. And we were deeply surprised about that,”
Warnock was also surpised that "the level of Gen Z and younger that were consuming the show", saying it's core audience is "definitely millennial and older."
Warnock also noted a notable balance in the viewership between male and female audiences.
She previously noted that the show’s creator, Dallas Jenkins, and the writers want all demographic groups “to be introduced to the authentic Jesus,” who appealed to “all types of people and worldviews.”
In an April 2023 interview with Peer magazine, the exec said The Chosen team has a “huge passion for Gen Z” and has been shocked yet encouraged by young people’s positive response to the series.
“We have not only evangelicals, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists. We also have Agnostics, [Atheists], Buddhists, Hindus, even Satanists writing us every day going, okay, ‘This show is changing my life,” Warnock continued. “This is helping me overcome depression, suicidal ideation. This is helping me—even though I’m not a Christian, I’ve now become a student of Jesus.’ That’s pretty extraordinary.”
When asked why younger audiences are drawn to The Chosen, Warnock pointed to the show’s “humanity and the authenticity,” adding “the playfulness, it’s intimate, it’s playful, it’s dynamic, it’s disruptive.”