David Clemmy, the founder of Kitega Community Centre, in Uganda - a Christian organisation which helps children with learning difficulties and disabilities, was speaking on International Disabled People's Day, a UN sanctioned day celebrated around the world.
David Clemmy, works with children that have been rejected by their parents but he wants to remind Christians that: "People with disabilities are equal like any one of us so we need to help them achieve their full potential - as they also help us achieve our full potential."
He said that in Uganda many people are suspicious about mental and physical differences and can cast people out: "There are so many things that are surrounding the root causes of marginalisation and discrimination - it's not only that people think it's evil spirits and curses... people are just fed up, and that's poverty."
He added that these are "people that can change the world, they can really contribute to household incomes if given the opportunity, all they need is love, care and support - and above all changing the mindset and knowing that these are special gifts from God."
Listen to Premier's Lisa Mainwaring speak to David Clemmy here: