Revd Lesley Crawley, Diocesan Environmental Adviser, told Premier that it is an opportunity for real change: "It's about bringing forward the kingdom of God - obviously poverty is a big issue across the world with climate change and if we're going to make people's lives more filled with peace and hope and joy then we really need to think about our attitudes towards the climate."
She was speaking as church leaders prepare to debate how their actions can help enforced the Paris 2015 Agreement at Guildford Cathedral.
In December more than 100 countries agreed to keep the increase in global temperatures to "well below" 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
She said the Church has a key role to play in tackling climate change: "I think it's vital because it is a spiritual issue, I think it's about changing our hearts and our lives so that we're thinking about other people and changing our attitudes towards things like how much we consume."
Revd Lesley Crawley added: "I'm just praying that we will take on board our responsibility, corporate responsibility and also that we'll really enjoy doing it and we'll really see God's blessing in it all."
The Bishop of Guildford, Rt Revd Andrew Watson, opening the event, said: "February 2016 is an excellent time to take stock following the Paris Summit on climate change. With a fabulous line-up of speakers I'd really encourage people to come along to this evening conference, so that we might become better stewards of the rich environment in which God has placed us."
Listen to Premier's Hannah Tooley speak to Revd Lesley Crawley here: