Ralph Winter said he and a partner have spent some time trying to raise money to produce a series of movies about the King of Israel who infamously killed Goliath the Philistine.
Ralph Winter's Christian film résumé includes:
Hangman's Curse
Speaking to Premier, he said: "Forget what you've seen on-screen, read the text about David and Goliath, and you'll read how he proclaims God's power in front of his elders and his family.
"It says when he goes out and challenges Goliath, 'He runs at him'. We haven't even seen this stuff on film. We haven't seen this kind of stuff in a way which is engaging and different."
Discussing why David would be a great person to portray on the big screen, he added: "He's one of the greatest characters in the Bible and yet he's a character who murdered somebody for his own benefit.
"It's so interesting that the flaws in his character are not overshadowed by his greatness. In every stage of his life, he's an amazing character."
Ralph was speaking with Premier on the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, a franchise which is still proving popular, with a new series, Discovery, due to be released in January.
Click here to listen to Ralph Winter speaking with Premier's Loretta Andrew:
Ralph Winter was speaking with Premier as it marks Space Week and you can find more information on the Premier Drive website: http://www.premierchristianradio.com/Shows/Weekday/Premier-Drive