Christian Solidarity Worldwide has criticised the secretive state, over the findings of a UN Commission two years ago.
The UN Commission of Inquiry recommended that the North Korean regime should be referred to the International Criminal Court on account of what it called 'egregious' human rights abuses underway in the country.
The Commission found that "the gravity, scale and nature of human rights violations in North Korea were unparalleled in the contemporary world."
Its report details crimes against humanity including extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, and the forcible transfer of populations.
The report concluded that such crimes against humanity are continuing "because the policies, institutions and patterns of impunity that lie at their heart remain in place".
Two years on, Christian Solidarity Worldwide says not enough is being done to hold the country to account.
The charity's Chief Executive, Mervyn Thomas said: "Two years on from the publication of the Commission's report, action on its recommendation is long-overdue.
"The report makes a comprehensive, detailed and authoritative case for the North Korean regime to be brought to justice for the appalling human rights violations underway in the country.
"It must not be left to gather dust on a shelf but must serve as a plan of action to end the suffering of the North Korean people and hold the perpetrators of crimes against humanity to account.
"The resolutions and debates in the UN, European and UK parliaments show that the world is aware of the human rights crisis. This is not enough. We must ensure that those responsible are held to account in the ICC."
A European Parliament resolution last month stressed that "the violations described in the Commission's report have been taking place for far too long under the observing eyes of the international community."
It urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry without delay.