Following the devastating tornado that struck Mississippi, leaving a 170-mile path of destruction and claiming at least 25 lives, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) is sending chaplains to Rolling Fork and Amory.
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has declared a state of emergency, while the mayor of Rolling Fork lamented that "My city is gone."
Josh Holland, international director of the BG-RRT, expressed his concern for those affected: "The amount of destruction and loss of life in Mississippi are truly devastating. We simply cannot even fathom what these residents must be going through right now."
The BG-RRT aims to ensure residents know they are not alone and not forgotten during this challenging time.
Holland added, "In the midst of the storm, there is hope – that hope is in Jesus Christ. We are sending our crisis-trained chaplains to pray with, listen and share God's love with those who have been impacted by these devastating tornadoes."
Working alongside disaster relief organization Samaritan's Purse, the team of crisis-trained chaplains will focus on addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those impacted by the severe storms.
Currently, BG-RRT chaplains are providing emotional and spiritual support in three locations: Rolling Fork and Amory in Mississippi, as well as supporting families who have been forced to flee their homes in Ukraine.