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Topless woman who 'aborted' Christ on the altar of a French church wins European Court case

by Sophie Drew

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that a topless woman who acted out aborting the baby Jesus Christ on top of an altar, interrupting a carol service rehearsal, was in the right. 

Previously, French courts had ruled against Eloïse Bouton, but the matter was elevated to the ECHR, where judges decided Bouton was exercising "freedom of expression".

In 2013, Bouton entered the La Madeleine church topless and covered in pro-abortion slogans, donning a blue veil in reference to the Virgin Mary.

From there, she mounted the altar and acted as though she was having an abortion; the foetus in question was supposed to represent Christ. 

She carried pieces of animal liver to symbolise the remains of the terminated foetus.

She then urinated on the ground. The incident was posted on social media with the captions: 
"Christmas is cancelled!", and that "the holy mother Eloïse has just aborted the embryo of Jesus on the altar of the Madeleine."

She was protesting against the Catholic Church's teaching on abortion. The Pope has labelled abortion as "murder", saying those that partake are "killing". 

Following the ECHR ruling, France must now pay 9,800 euros (£8,504) to Bouton, for legal costs, expenses and moral damages.  

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