While celebrating the fruits of the land this autumn, congregations are also being encouraged to consider rural communities in the east African nation, set to lose out as rains become more erratic and unpredictable.
Claire Whitmore, Church Resources Manager at Christian Aid, said: "When Harvest time comes in church, we share with our neighbours and we praise God for providing all we need to eat. Sadly, for many of our global neighbours ...life isn't so easy."
Rodah from the village of Kalawani in Eastern Kenya (pictured above) was forced for years to walk up to ten kilometres every day to fetch water to sustain her crops and would have to carry containers weighing as much as two car tyres.
Christian Aid and a branch of the Anglican Church in Kenya helped Rodah's collect water and earn an income by building a sand dam.
Claire Whitmore from Christian Aid added: "With your support, through giving, acting and praying this harvest time, you can join hundreds of churches to sow the seeds of transformation for thousands of people like Rodah. Imagine the harvest your generosity could make possible!"
Christian Aid is encouraging individuals and churches to make special donations this harvest and it's promoting a Harvest prayer released by the Anglican Development Service East in Kenya.
It says: "O Lord our God, we pray that the seed we sow today will bring a harvest that causes continued dew upon the earth to sustain the seed in our hands.
"May we always have seed to sow and rejoice when we see the transformation that reflects the image of God in your people all over the world. Amen."