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BBC/Tigerlily Productions/Neal Wallace
UK News

New programme shows a day in the life of a Benedictine monk

by Tola Mbakwe

The three part series called "Retreat:  Meditations from a Monastery" will highlight monks in Downside Abbey, Pluscarden Abbey and Belmont Abbey.

BBC/Tigerlily Productions/Neal Wallace
The cloisters at Downside Abbey.

The first episode is set in Downside Abbey in Somerset and follows two monks as they adhere to the serene sixth-century lifestyle according to the "Rule of Saint Benedict". The book, written by Benedict of Nursia, requires monks to prioritise prayer and work.

In the first episode, which features Downside Abbey, shows a typical day for the 14 monks. Their lifestyle includes private prayer, furniture making and baking.

BBC/Tigerlily Productions/Neal Wallace
Brother Michael sawing wood at Downside Abbey.

One monk, Father Michael, joined the abbey in his twenties and has been creating furniture in his workshop for the past 48 years. He's also in charge of repairs for the abbey.  The episode shows the process of him making a prayer table and then also shows how he uses it.

BBC/Tigerlily Productions/Neal Wallace
Father Christopher

The episode also highlights Father Christopher who has a love for cooking. He also joined the abbey in his twenties and is now 60 year old. The episode shows him bake sourdough bread for lunch. It also shows him collecting wild garlic from the monastery meadows to make garlic butter.

The viewers will be encouraged to adopt the peaceful, restful and reflective lives the monks live.

The first episode airs at 9 p.m.

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