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King chooses first public investiture since illness to honour Archbishop Justin

by Premier Journalist
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Image: Reuters

King Charles is using his first major investiture since he was diagnosed with cancer to make the Archbishop of Canterbury a knight.

The King has chosen Most Rev Justin Welby as a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) to thank him for his role in his coronation.

The special honour can be bestowed independently of Downing Street on people who have personally served the monarch or the royal family.

Archbishop Justin will be joined at the Windsor Castle ceremony by Queen Camilla's friend bestselling author Dame Jilly Cooper, who will receive another damehood, and by 50 other recipients of honours.

The cleric, whose other title is Primate of All England, has described anointing and crowning King Charles during the Westminster Abbey ceremony as the "privilege of a lifetime".

He has also praised the monarch's sense of duty and willingness to help and support others.

Other recipients honoured for their role in the coronation include the Dean of Westminster Abbey, the Very Rev Dr David Hoyle, and Household Division Brigade Major Lieutenant Colonel James Shaw.

Lt Col Shaw led more than 4,000 servicemen and women in the grand coronation procession from the Abbey to the Palace which saw Charles and Camilla travel in the Gold State Coach after the historic ceremony.

Labour's Dame Margaret Beckett, who is standing down as an MP at the next election after 40 years, will be made a Dame Grand Cross.

The King, who was only given the all-clear to return to pubic duties last month, has personally invested a handful of people with honours over the past few months, privately during individual audiences at royal residences, demonstrating his personal commitment and dedication to this important task.


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