Wilberforce Publications - which forms part of the Christian Concern campaign group - will launch 'Same-sex parenting research: a critical assessment' in central London on Tuesday afternoon.
The book was penned by Walter Schumm, a professor of applied family science at Kansas State University in the US, who sought to examine the impact of same-sex parenting on children.
He said his conclusions refute the assumption the outcomes of children raised by gay couples are no different from those brought up by heterosexual couples.
Professor Schumm, who has written extensively on parenthood, drew upon 400 studies concerning same-sex parenting (SSP) in compiling his findings.
This Tuesday will see the launch of Walter Schumm's Same-Sex Parenting Research. Schumm's extensive research lead him to question the widely-held view that same-sex parenting is equivalent to parenting by a heterosexual couple. Get a copy here https://t.co/EWgx5MJYCv
— Christian Concern (@CConcern) January 28, 2019
He told Premier: "More recent studies seem to be finding that the children [raised by same-sex couples] are less emotionally able to deal with stress."
The academic continued: "It was claimed in US courts that same-sex couples were more stable - or as stable - as heterosexual parents...
"However, most actual data suggested otherwise, that same-sex parents were less stable with children, unlike heterosexual couples who become more stable with children."
Roehampton University chaplain Rev Shanon Ferguson told Premier the children she co-parented for several years during a same-sex relationship have all done well.
She said: "All four children have gone on to have very successful, long-term, heterosexual relationships; to have very good careers and be very stable individuals.
"A young lady we had was placed with us particularly because we were both female; because there were issues with her being in a family with a male."
Wilberforce Publications said: "This new research dispels myths, given weight by political correctness, that SSP is as good as - if not better than - heterosexual parenting.
"It is vitally important to society that more research is dedicated to SSP, and is critically important that the truth about what we know from scientific studies, alongside what we don't yet know, is made clear.
"This research seeks to investigate and shine a light on the truth, refusing to simply conform to the politically correct line in academia."
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