According to the Mail on Sunday the father, who can't be named for legal reasons, began attending church with his son after his marriage with the boy's mother ended in 2013.
His mother wanted the boy to be raised as a Muslim and took the situation the Derby County Court, where Judge Williscroft ruled in her favour.
The boy lives with his mother seeing his father every other weekend, however he could be denied access if he breaks the court order and takes him to church or a leisure centre it runs.
He told the newspaper: "I want my son to have a balanced life in which he is exposed to different faiths and can make up his own mind about which, if any, religion he follows.
"I was taught that Christians were heartless and immoral, that only Muslims have a peaceful faith and all others are evil.
"It was only when I began mixing with Christians that I learned this was nonsense.
"He is being fed the same lies I was as a child and I want better for him."
The father is appealing Judge Williscroft's decision in the High Court.
The son's mother says taking him to Christian-related activities while he is still predominantly attending Islamic ones will confuse him.