Notorious double killer Stephen Farrow, responsible for the murders of Rev John Suddards and Betty Yates, has died in HMP Frankland, County Durham.
Farrow, aged 58, was found guilty in 2012 for both murders, which occurred just six weeks apart. Diagnosed as a psychopath, he had an obsession with religion and a history of threats against religious figures.
He also claimed to have been sexually abused at a boarding school by a priest and wanted to murder the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Farrow's gruesome acts involved breaking into Ms Yates' home and fatally attacking her, then stabbing Rev Suddards to death in his vicarage.
While Farrow denied committing both murders, he did admit to the manslaughter of Rev Suddards due to diminished responsibility, as well as a distinct burglary near the vicar's residence. He was serving two whole-life terms.
His death prompted an investigation by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman.
A Prison Service spokesperson said: "HMP Frankland prisoner Stephen Farrow died on 21 August.
"As with all deaths in custody, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will investigate."