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Diocese of London
UK News

Debilitating illness forces Bishop of Stepney to quit

Bishop Adrian said the pain was "adversely" affecting his work and he will stand down at the end of October.

The 59-year-old said: "Migraines have been my thorn in the flesh for many years, but I have reached the point where they are adversely affecting my ability to carry out the demanding role of a bishop in this part of London.

"I hope that a period away from the front line will help me to recover and explore what God may be calling me to in the future."

One in every 15 men and one in every five women are affected by migraines, according to the NHS.

The condition can manifest itself in moderate or severe headaches, nausea and vomiting.

The Bishop of Willesden Rt Revd Pete Broadbent will serve as Acting Bishop of Stepney until a successor is chosen.

Bishop Adrian, who assumed his role in July 2011, continued: "It has been a huge privilege to be Bishop of Stepney, serving one of the most diverse and vibrant communities in the whole of the country.

Diocese of London

"I have been blessed to work alongside a terrific group of clergy, and to be part of a diocese filled with creativity and godly ambition.

"I will miss the role enormously, and carry such a host of rich memories from my time here."

The Bishop of London praised Bishop Adrian's efforts to give "marginalised" communities in east London "a voice".

Rt Rev Sarah Mullally said: "Bishop Adrian will be remembered in Stepney above all as a campaigner for social justice, so often providing a voice for the marginalised in the East End and beyond.

"When terror struck London - not for the first or last time in 2017 - it was Adrian who took his place alongside our political and faith leaders at Finsbury Park Mosque, addressing the crowd at the vigil afterwards with the cry, 'an attack on one faith is an attack on us all.'

"We speak about taking seriously the wellbeing of ordained ministers and, whilst I will miss working with Bishop Adrian in the future, I fully support his decision to put his health first.

"I am sure everyone in Stepney and in London will join with me in thanking Bishop Adrian and praying for him, and for Gill and his family, as he makes this life-change."

Bishop Adrian and his wife, Gill, plan to move to Essex to concentrate on his health for a time, before deciding on his future steps.

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