Mother, Alicia Zeek and Father, Zac Smith believe their sonogram showed a man dressed in a robe with a crown of thorns looking at their baby. They believe the figure was Jesus watching over their baby girl.
Zeek said she was confused when she first saw the image.
She told local Pennsylvania news outlet, WPMT: "When they gave it to us... Umm, to me, it's Jesus. And it looks like Jesus."
Smith added: "This is distinct, I mean there's another face looking at my daughter!
"When I saw it, it almost brought tears to my eyes... I was speechless, I just couldn't believe it, I really didn't believe what I was seeing."
The couple said the image brought them a sense of comfort because Zeek had dealt with a number of complications in her previous pregnancies.
Zeek's first child was born with two thumbs on one hand and her second child was born with a cleft lip and palette.
The couple explained that after seeing sonogram and receiving a report from the ultrasound technician that their child looked happy and healthy, they felt a huge sense of relief.
Smith said: "Once she said everything is good and we looked at the picture, I was like look babe, we have nothing to worry about."
While the parents said they are not religious, Smith added that it had to be a sign from a higher power.
He said: "The angel or God or Jesus, however you want to propose it, I look at it as my blessing."
WPMT reported in an update that the baby Brielle was indeed born happy and healthy.