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World News

Christians launch ‘alternative’ petition to counteract assisted dying services

by Heather Preston

A group of Christians are calling on the UK government to provide better end of life care, as an alternative solution to potential assisted dying services across the British Isles.

The petition, launched on 17th May is asking Parliament to increase funding for palliative care services, stating that the current standard of care is “insufficient.”

It comes as Jersey politicians debate on whether to bring in an assisted dying service on the Island. In 2021, just over three quarters (78 per cent) of people on a citizens' jury on the island agreed it should be allowed. Later that year the States Assembly became the first parliament in the British Isles to decide "in principle" to allow assisted dying.

Last month a debate at Westminster Hall, held after a petition, called for a vote in Parliament on the issue.

Following concerns from church members, Canon Chris Sugden has helped launch an “alternative petition” to help those living with incurable pain and terminal conditions.

He told Premier Christian News he felt “it was time” for an “alternative approach to help” to be publically expressed.

“We have great sympathy, concern and pastoral care for those coping with conditions at the end of life that are just very unpleasant indeed - there are better solutions.”

Sugden said his main concerns over proposed assisted dying legislation were for the “sanctity of life as a gift” and that safeguards to protect the vulnerable would weaken over time.

“This debate about assisted dying misses a major opportunity to actually debate about the priorities for proper social care and proper palliative care to be available,” he added.

The petition calls for human life to be valued through “accessible and fully funded palliative care.”

At the time of writing, the petition has reached 157 signatures.

Sugden hopes to reach 100,000 signatures to ensure its consideration for debate by Parliament.

If a law for assisted dying is approved, the services could come into effect by 2027.

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