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UK News

Christian MP says new research proves UK abortion limit should be reduced

by Tola Mbakwe

One in three born at that early stage in 2014 - the latest year we have records for - reached their first birthday. That's compared to one in five in 2011.

The figures cover England and Wales.

The law currently allows an abortion at up to 24 weeks into a pregnancy.

Jim Shannon, a Christian and Democratic Unionist MP for Strangford sits on the All Party Parliament Pro-Life group.

He told Premier's News Hour that the findings reinforce the importance of life.

"I have a girl in my constituency that was born at 1 pound 12 ounces, her name is Zoe.

"Today she's a 13 year old running around, enjoying life school life, and friendships.

"If it was across the water and that opportunity [for an abortion] was there, I know it would have been taken.

"That girl would have had her life terminated, but the fact that she's here today is an example of what can happen.

"Let's give every baby that opportunity."

Both France and Germany have a 12 week abortion limit. Shannon told Premier News Hour that some of his colleagues want to advocate for that term limit. While Shannon has stricter pro-life values, he said it would at least be a good start for the UK.

He said: "They [France and Germany] have more rights, and if they have more rights then so should our young babies here".

Shannon explained with the general election coming up, there will be a strong demand for abortion to be more available. However, he said he will be one of many heavily promoting pro-life values.

"The pro-life group of which we're members of in parliament, I think they also reflect a significant level of opinion of MPs that are there.

He added: "I think we as Christians should be praying that those potential candidates, from whatever party they will be from are pro-life, and we want to see that in greater numbers in Westminster and in the House of Commons next time round."

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