A Christian Conservative councillor has been dropped by six companies after tweeting that Pride is a sin.
Cllr King Lawal, who has been a councillor at Northamptonshire Unitary Council for two years, claims he was banned from holding surgeries at the local library.
He was suspended for 21 days, pending an investigation. He also claims he was forced to resign from his own company, which he had built and grown.
He is preparing for legal action, with the help of the Christian Legal Centre, citing “multiple violations of his rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”
When did Pride become a thing to celebrate. Because of Pride Satan fell as an arch Angel. Pride is not a virtue but a Sin. Those who have Pride should Repent of their sins and return to Jesus Christ. He can save you. #PrideMonth #Pride23 #PrideParade.”
The post included an image with a verse from Isaiah 3 verse 9 which said: ‘Whatever God calls “Sin” is nothing to be Proud of.’
Cllr Lawal later provided further clarification in a more detailed statement:
“When I referred to Pride as a sin in my previous post, it may have been misinterpreted as hateful. Let me explain why it is not.
“When Christians refer to ‘sin’ or ‘sinners’ we are speaking of ourselves. We are not singling out specific people or groups of people as sinners.
“Sin according to the Bible includes lying, stealing, gossip and hatred - not just things like homosexuality, adultery and sex outside of marriage.
“Jesus said that even to have unholy thoughts that we never act on is sinful. Therefore every single one of us is sinful by this standard, including myself.”
Speaking to Premier Christian News, he said: “I would do it again. First, I am a Christian, and a believer in Jesus Christ and a soldier of his army, so I am a councillor second.
Actually, my political life works better with me being a Christian because I believe in truth, being honest and loving people. They don't work against each other.
I should be able to share my beliefs. Legally I can hold and share my religious beliefs without being persecuted for it.”