Chris Bain, director of the Catholic aid agency CAFOD in England, told Premier's News Hour that: "It's very, very slow trying to get a deal - you've got to the carbon emissions in the atmosphere, you've got to reduce fossil fuel usage, you've got to try to stop the earth's temperate rising, you've also got to try to be fair to the poorer countries by giving finance to help them adapt to this change caused by climate change."
He was speaking after world leaders gathered for a critical climate conference in Paris for a two week discussion, 151 world leaders are expected to attend.
Some leaders have visited the sites of the deadly November 13 attacks in Paris. US president Barack Obama laid a flower at a concert hall where dozens of people were killed.
Clean energy technology is being promoted as the key to fighting global warming at the UN summit and China and the USA have both said they will work to reduce emissions.
Money for adaptation is a key demand by developing countries in the UN climate talks.
The money would be used for helping vulnerable nations develop new agricultural practices for a hotter climate and boosting their preparedness to cope with extreme weather events linked to climate change.
Listen to Premier's Hannah Tooley speak to Chris Bain here: