The Bishop of London told the second annual Premier Lecture that due to new congregations being created in London the Church of England has run out of buildings to house them.
Rt Revd Richard Chartres said church attendance in his diocese has doubled in the last 15 years.
He made the comments during his talk which was titled "Building Jerusalem in England's Green and Pleasant Land." During it he explored what can be done to transform the nation as Christians and churches live out their faith. And he told the audience his youth target is there to breathe new ideas into the Church:
Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury is warning that Christianity will be a "fringe movement" within ten years. The Rt Revd Mark Davies says Christian England is entering its "twilight", which puts demands on people to be clear about standing up for their faith.
He told Premier's Victoria Laurence during the News Hour that he's not being pessimistic, just realistic:
Bishop Mark is encouraging Catholics in a "new evangelisation" to counter the erosion of Christianity in British life. He made his comments after noting that the analysis of the 2011 Census indicates that most British people will not consider themselves to be Christians by the end of the decade. He said the changing nature of British identity demanded from Christians a "greater clarity" of witness and teaching.