Rt Revd Jonathan Meyrick, the Bishop of Lynn, has put pen to paper in support of Christian Aid Week, which is this year particularly highlighting the blight of flooded communities in the South Asian nation.
Bishop Jonathan said: "The situation for people living on the rivers in Bangladesh is shocking.
"I wrote the words to this song as a reflection on the plight of people facing terrible conditions which could lead to despair but with love and the work of Christian Aid there is hope.
"This Christian Aid week I hope people will respond generously."
Bishop Jonathan is known for his love of rock music.
He has previously recorded a charity CD and took part in ITV's Stars in Their Eyes dressed as Reg Presley and singing Wild Thing.
Already watched by hundreds of people on YouTube, the video was filmed at St Faith's Church in King's Lynn but also shows audiences what life has been like for flood-hit families in Bangladesh.
RT @CASaleEdin: We love #CAWeek! #Fundaising at annual #book sale in #Edinburgh for CA @DioceseNorwich @StAGW1 pic.twitter.com/3sv4DXH3q7
— Christian Aid (@christian_aid) May 18, 2016
Christian Aid says it's Home Safety Package (worth £250) provides an earth plinth, raising a home 6-8ft above water, creating "a safe place for a family to rebuild their home and safely keep livestock".
The package also includes a goat, seeds and a wormery, all of which will provide long-term income opportunities.