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'An opportunity for spiritual growth': CARE launches election website for Christians

by Donna Birrell

A new website has been launched to help Christians engage with the General Election campaign.

It's been devised by the social policy charity CARE to help people from all denominations think, act, and pray before casting their vote.

It includes practical tools, theological and prayer resources, a podcast, a blog and interviews. CARE's CEO Ross Hendry told Premier Christian News this period is "an amazing opportunity for us to grow spiritually" and reflect on how we "live life together, how God's word applies to all of life, and then how that's reflected in our responsibility to be good citizens in the nation that God has placed us.

"So this is a really exciting opportunity for spiritual growth and we want to share that excitement with believers across the UK and resource them, equip them, empower them, and even maybe inspire them to not just vote but to engage with politics in a different way."

Hendry said he believes Christians have a Biblical responsibility to vote and be good stewards. For him, voting is an opportunity to "think about not just ourselves and our own self-interest when it comes to voting, but actually think about how our vote reflects love for our neighbour. It's also a proclamation of God's sovereignty over our nation and over our democracy".

The site also includes a quiz to help Christians see what party they may align with and a 40-day prayer diary videos for churches.

Hendry told Premier that despite widespread political apathy, Christians should believe in the potential for politics to do good.

"As Jesus's followers, we must continue to engage even if we feel discouraged. In doing so, we seek the good of our neighbours and bring the Bible's better story to bear on the culture around us.

"It is a blessing, a privilege that God has given us to be able to do this and play our part in reflecting how we believe God speaks into every area of life."

You can find the website here:

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