The NFL canceled the appearance of Christian singer Victory Boyd at the opening season game due to issues concerning whether she had been vaccinated. Boyd was scheduled to perform the National Anthem...
A new sitcom focusing on student life and the Christian faith is to be aired on BBC's Radio 4. The comedy pilot, created by Barney Fishwick and Jack Chisnall, depicts a university's Christian ...
Judith Cornwall, a Christian in Selby, has turned her garden shed into a small chapel - with Bibles stored in the back of seats and flowers and hops hanging from the ceiling. Answering her critics o...
A collection of schools, churches and book clubs are uniting to read Dante's Inferno in honor of the 700th anniversary of his death. September 14 is considered the anniversary of Dante Alighieri&...
Christians and fans of the NFL remember David Patten for his conduct on and off the field after dying in a motorcycle crash. David Patten played American Football in the NFL for nearly 12 years, where...
Christian artist Danny Gokey has expressed his thoughts on vaccine mandates, noting his concerns about its potential relationship to the Mark of the Beast. Gokey, who appeared during the eighth season...
Bri Babineaux, a famous gospel singer, and artist says she did not give rapper Kanye West approval to use her vocals on his newly released album, Donda. In the last few years, Babineaux made a name f...
A new nature documentary with Christian themes has received support from several celebrity names, including Kanye West and Kirk Cameron. "The Riot and the Dance" is a nature documentary that explicitl...
The controversial rapper Kanye West released his latest album, the Christian-themed Donda, to a number one slot on several music release charts. The album Donda, named after West's late mother...
As the crowdfunded Christian show The Chosen begins filming its third season, the producers offer a chance to make a cameo for a price. The Chosen is a crowdfunded Christian television show whose f...
A group of refugees and asylum seekers will be joining Christian groups and other faith societies in a sponsored interfaith run in London. The Interfaith Fun Run on Bank Holiday Monday in Barnet in no...
Several Christian worship musicians have partnered together to create an album reflecting concerns about climate change. The organizations involved have started the #ClimateVigil campaign. This onl...
In a recent interview, the progressive filmmaker Michael Moore made comments comparing "conservative Christians" to the Taliban. The filmmaker and documentarian has had a history of making controver...
The famous Christian athlete and writer Tim Tebow has been cut from his current NFL team, the Jacksonville Jaguars. After the Jaguars announced their plans to cut Tebow, the Christian athlete tweet...
The Christian actress Letitia Wright has spoken in an interview about turning down big roles because of her ethics and speaking out about Jesus in public. Letitia Wright, 27, is most famous for her ...
The next chapter in Pinnacle Peak Pictures' controversial drama series God's Not Dead: We The People will be released for a short period on October 4-6. God's Not Dead: We The People ...
Universal Pictures has announced plans to release the film version of Redeeming Love, a famous Christian novel by Francine Rivers, in 2022. Universal Pictures said they had settled on a release year ...
The boxer Tyson Fury has thanked people for their prayers and donations as his daughter returns to intensive care. Baby Athena was born on Sunday at Alder Hay Hospital in Liverpool but had to be put...
An online community of Christian social justice advocates is pushing for Fisher-Price to adjust the race of Mary and Joseph in an upcoming children's Nativity toy set. Faithful America, the "large...
Dave Grohl, the lead singer for the rock band Foo Fighters, went viral last week when he approached a Westboro Baptist Church protest while playing disco music. The Foo Fighters have been hosting a...