The King has approved the nomination of the Rev Canon Dr Philip Plyming as the next Dean of Durham.
The 49-year-old will succeed the Very Rev Andrew Tremlett, who was appointed Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in London last year.
Commenting on his appointment, Rev Canon Plyming said he looks forward to “leading the Cathedral’s life and mission in the years to come.”
Having studied German and Russian at Cambridge University, Rev Canon Plyming went on to study Theology at Durham University while training for ministry at Cranmer Hall. He was later awarded a PhD by Edinburgh University for research into Paul’s hardship narratives in 1 and 2 Corinthians and was ordained priest in 2002.
Rev Canon Plyming said: “I thank God for the honour of being appointed to be the next Dean of Durham. Since I first worshipped and prayed in the Cathedral when I was a student at Durham University, I have known it to be an incredibly special place where people are impressed by the beauty of the building and invited to encounter the living God.
“Inspired by the Christ-like example of St Cuthbert and the Northern saints, I look forward to leading the Cathedral’s life and mission in the years to come, so that in its worship and hospitality it continues to be a place of prayer, pilgrimage and proclamation. I also look forward to working with all the Chapter, staff and volunteers as together we live out the Cathedral’s historic vocation.”
The Bishop of Durham, Rt Rev Paul Butler he is “delighted” by Rev Canon Philip’s appointment and believes he will bring “pastoral, theological, leadership and missional gifts and experience to the role.”
He said: “Clearly he knows and loves the Cathedral and the Diocese very well already. I am excited at the leadership Philip will bring as the Cathedral moves forward in its mission and ministry, especially in relation to younger people and those on the margins of society.”
Rev Canon Philip is married to Annabelle, who works as a palliative care consultant for a local NHS Trust, and they have two teenage sons.
An installation service for Philip to formally become Dean will take place at Durham Cathedral at 3pm on 16th September.