It is a result of new research undertaken on behalf of Archbishops' Council looking at parent's real experiences and expectations around the baptism of their child.
It found that God parents really matter to families and 91% of parents said that is one of the reasons they why they baptized their child at a Christening.
Revd Canon Sandra Millar from the Church of England told Premier why they decided to create the special day.
She said: "We did some research about what's important to families around having their child Christened, and we found that God parents have a really, really important relationship in family life.
"So we wanted to set aside a Sunday where we would pray for God parents, be interesting in God parents and be interested in the journey they make with their children."
Revd Canon Sandra Millar said that the bond between God parents and children is unlike others: "God parents spend time with God children, often in a very special way, perhaps able to treat them a little bit differently, to go out and do special things with them, to spend time with them in a special way.
"But really importantly for us, God parents pray for their God children, they're there for them at the big events in life, often for many, many years."
Godparents can be part of family life.
She went on to say that the position of God parent is a big responsibility: "When someone becomes a God parents in our churches they make some very big promises to be there over the years for their God children, and also the church community around them make promises to support the family and it just seems a really, really good time as church communities to pray for this special relationship."
Listen to Premier's Hannah Tooley speak to Revd Canon Sandra Millar here: