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A Priest who rushed to the scene of Sir David Amess' attack on Friday says he was denied the opportunity to offer the MP the last rites. In the Catholic tradition, the last rites are the final pra...

Ronnie Floyd is leaving the role of President and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee following the vote to disclose documents to an abuse investigation. In recent weeks there h...

Shane Vaughn, the Pentecostal pastor of First Harvest Ministries in Waveland, Mississippi, has helped spearhead an online movement promoting personal faith as a way around workplace Covid-19 vacc...

Three men kidnapped from their Christian college chapel in Nigeria have been released, prompting "a symphony of praises" from staff, students, parents and Christians across the country.&nbsp...

France's top bishop said on Tuesday that the secrecy of the confession should not take precedence over French laws on sex crimes against children, reversing his previous position after he was summ...

France's top bishop has been summoned by the interior minister after saying that the pact of secrecy would prevent a priest from reporting sex crimes against children that were revealed during Cat...

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is holding its first general assembly meeting for over two years. Around 450 ministers and elders from congregations across Northern Ireland and the Republic of...

Pope Francis and other religious leaders made a joint appeal on Monday for next month's U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) to offer concrete solutions to save the planet from "an unpreced...

The French Catholic Church has had an estimated 3,000 paedophiles in its ranks over the past 70 years, the head of an independent commission investigating the sex abuse scandal sai...

The Church of Ireland is to complete its divestment from companies that extract fossil fuels by the end of this year, fulfilling a commitment made in 2018.  Several church groups and individual c...

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 shook Greece's largest island, Crete, on Monday morning, killing one person and injuring several, authorities said. The tremor sent people fleeing out of home...

In Wisconsin, a United Church of Christ camp has changed its name in order to "lift up Indigenous voices" and own up to colonialism. Camp Awesum, a summer ministry based in Green Lake, Wisco...

The Southern Baptist Executive Committee voted for an additional week of debates after the ecclesiastical leadership organization disagreed on how to progress on investigating abuse claims inside...

A prosecutor in Missouri reported on Tuesday that he had charged five employees of a Christian college with abusing students. The employees of the Agape Boarding School, a Christian school for "r...

 Pope Francis on Wednesday praised youth climate campaigners for their efforts to tackle global warming and encouraged them to carry on with their work "for the good of humanity". Thous...

The Diocese of Dromore has said it is committed to doing what it can to help bring healing to the survivors of clerical sexual abuse within its churches.  The Northern Ireland diocese includes pa...

The Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales (EFCW) has asked for representation on the bench of bishops from someone who believes marriage is only between a man and a woman.  The evangelica...

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cologne will take a "spiritual time-out" from his duties after committing grave errors in a crisis over clerical sexual abuse, but will retain his post, the ...

The Washington National Cathedral, based in the District of Columbia, has announced who will replace the stained glass images of Confederate soldiers. In 2017, the Cathedral removed stained-glass wind...

Kenneth Copeland, the controversial Christian televangelist, asked viewers to help fund a private jet to avoid getting the vaccine. Kenneth Copeland is a notable and famous Christian preacher who has ...