Pope Francis' role in Argentina's most famous case of priestly sex abuse is coming under renewed scrutiny as he faces the greatest crisis of his papacy over the Francis, who at the time was still Car...
Pope Francis is seeking to turn a page in Christian-Muslim relations while also ministering to a unique, thriving island of Catholicism as he embarks on the fir While Francis is building on two of hi...
Pope Francis has launched a two-year activism and awareness-raising campaign about the plight of migrants to counteract mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in the The campaign encourages people to actu...
Pope Francis appeared to wipe away tears during a ceremony in St Peter's Square marking the return to Argentina of a Virgin Mary statue which ended up in Britai Argentine troops had brought a statue ...
The Pope has said he supports parents who smack their children at his weekly general audience, which was devoted to the role of fathers in the family. According to the Independent, Francis suggested ...
Figures released by the Holy See have revealed Pope Francis received around four million people in the Vatican alone this year. Over the past twelve months the Catholic Church held a special Holy Jub...
A Christian abuse campaigner who's on Pope Francis' special task-force for child protection has told Premier he expects the Pontiff to sack a bishop over cover- Peter Saunders said he's "confident" t...
Pope Francis has expressed his "deep sorrow" at violent clashes between government forces and protestors in Nicaragua which have left at least 110 people dead. The Catholic leader also appealed for p...
The Pope has warned Christians will disappear from the Middle East if more attention isn't paid to the violence that has forced tens of thousands of Christians Speaking to leaders of Middle East chu...
Pope Francis has flown back to Rome after a record breaking week long trip to Asia. The pontiff departed from the Philippines after attracting six million people to an open air mass, something the Va...
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of an Australian bishop who has been accused of being evasive over an abuse inquiry. Brian Finnegan was accused of not sharing his knowledge of alleged pae...
Pope Francis has accepted an invitation to visit Cyprus next year. President Nicos Anastasiades made the announcement after talks with the pontiff in the Vatican on Monday. In 2020, Cyprus will mark ...
Pope Francis has added a fourth pathway to possible sainthood. People who live a good Catholic life and lay down their life to save others will now be eligible for beatification - the first step on t...
Pope Francis has admitted he made "grave errors" in judgment in Chile's sex abuse scandal and invited the abuse victims he had discredited to Rome to beg their In an extraordinary letter published o...
Pope Francis has allowed nuns and priests to kiss his papal ring during his weekly audience in St Peter's Square, two days after a video showing him pulling his Some conservative critics of the pope...
Pope Francis could be holding a meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of this month. The pontiff expects to meet with Russia later in the month because it is the current leader...
Pope Francis is to visit Ireland for six days in August, it has been confirmed. The 81-year-old Pontiff will arrive in Dublin on Saturday August 25 and will take part in the Festival of Families, a f...
Pope Francis has apologised for insisting victims of paedophile priests show "proof", saying he realises now it was a "slap in the face" to victims that he neve But he continued to defend Chilean bis...
Pope Francis has apologised to the Roma ethnic minority for their history of discrimination in Europe. The pontiff also paid homage to Romanian Catholics persecuted during communist rule as he wrappe...
Pope Francis has directly appealed for the release of an Indian priest who was kidnapped by terrorists in Yemen last month. Addressing faithful in St Peter's Square, the pontiff also called for the r...