A Christian charity has told Premier the UK does not have enough "adequate" housing to offer anyone who finds themselves "in need of accommodation provided by their local councils."
Speaking to Premier, Adam Baker, director of Christian charity Refugee Roots said they had witnessed and heard reports of accommodation that, despite being temporary, was not fit for purpose.
"[There are] issues around food, poor social distancing, available space for children, and concerns around safety equipment. All sorts of things that we should be certain of before placing people in accommodation," Baker continued.
His remarks come as news emerged of an Afghan boy, who had arrived with his family in the UK 15 days ago, that had fallen to his death from a government-designated hotel window in Sheffield on Wednesday.
A government spokesperson said the police was providing support to the family while the investigation continued.
Thousands of Afghan refugees are being resettled in the UK as part of a special government scheme to help people flee Afghanistan after the Taliban took control. At least 5,000 people will arrive in the next year and up to 20,000 in the coming years.
Baker went on to encourage Christians to pray for God to show us practical ways in which we can help asylum seekers settle in the UK.
"I think it's often difficult to know: how do we pray? How do we pray for change? How do we pray for the kingdom of God to be demonstrated and made known and to be realised in situations like this? I think one very practical way that we can pray is just to ask God to show us ways that we can begin responding and helping," Baker concluded.
Welcome Churches has also launched an Emergency Afghan Fund to help provide local support. You can learn more about it here.