The Christian family conference Spring Harvest has cancelled its 2020 events, after the government issued advice on Monday to stop social gatherings to help curtail the coronavirus outbreak.
The four Spring Harvest events are no longer taking place next month in Minehead, Skegness and Harrogate. Plans are in place to use other online methods instead, to deliver Spring Harvest's worship and teaching to homes in the UK and beyond, the organisation said.
In a statement, Spring Harvest thanked people for praying as the organisers made the tough decision over the past few days. They said: "We are grateful to the many people who have supported us in prayer over the last few days as we have grappled with this unprecedented situation.
"The decision has been driven by our duty of care to guests, team and the wider community. Changes to government advice in the past 24 hours, advising people to avoid social contact and mass gatherings, followed by discussions with Butlin's have caused us to implement a range of contingency plans."
The financial consequences for Spring Harvest are said to be serious and they are asking all guests and friends to help ensure the future of the event by making a financial donation.
Spring Harvest's Gavin Calver said: "We are in an unprecedented situation. Please do pray for us and please would you consider donating some of your refund to ensure that Spring Harvest's unique ministry continues? We would be so grateful for any help whatsoever."
Organisers say Butlin's, which hosts the conference in Minehead and Skegness, will be in touch with bookers soon. For those attending in Harrogate, Spring Harvest will contact in the next 48 hours.
Spring Harvest's leadership team said: "We want to thank those many people who have responded to our plea for 'calmness, understanding, kindness, wisdom and prayer' in recent days. This remains our request and we will issue a further update, including answers to FAQs, later this week."