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Church News

Royal duke to visit as Newport Minster re-opens

by Kelly Valencia

The Duke of Edinburgh, royal patron of the Friends of Newport Minster, will attend the Minster's reopening after undergoing extensive refurbishments.

HRH will join 400 guests on 1st May, where he will meet some of the Island craftspeople, professionals, donors and volunteers who have worked alongside the clergy, staff team and churchwardens on the project to create a new underfloor heating system, better toilets, new kitchen facilities, new seating and new meeting rooms.

Jacqueline Gazzard, chair of the Friends of Newport Minster, said: “Our aim all along was to see the church start to come to life again. It is one thing saving important bricks and mortar, but creating community is much tougher and yet that is what is happening here. We’re delighted that our royal patron – who has supported this project right from the outset – will be there to celebrate alongside us. 

"We are proud to boast a building with new purpose, that local island people have made possible. This extraordinary building is going to be busy all year round and also warm for the first time in decades!”

The Bishop of Portsmouth, Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, will lead the re-opening service, the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, Ven Steve Daughtery will preach while HRH will read a Bible passage.

The Minster attracts 30,000 annual visitors. With royal ties spanning 400 years, it serves as the resting place of Princess Elizabeth, daughter of King Charles I, whose grave was discovered in 1735. Queen Victoria's commissions adorn the Elizabeth Chapel, including memorials for Princess Elizabeth and Prince Albert.

HRH the Duke of Edinburgh has supported the Minster and visited on several occasions over the past few years, tracking the multi-phase project to renew the building. 





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