Nicola Sturgeon has shared her plans for a second Scottish independence referendum in 2023.
The Scottish First Minister says the people have a sovereign right to determine their country's future and argues that Scotland has paid a price for not becoming independent.
She says the UK government is "regrettably" refusing to respect Scottish democracy and she will not allow Scottish democracy to be a "prisoner" of Boris Johnson.
Westminster is opposed to the idea but Sturgeon says she'll refer the matter to the Supreme Court - the bill is set to be filed on Tuesday, 28th of June.
The vote is pencilled in for the 19th of October 2023.
Scottish MSP Murdo Fraser, who is part of the NO campaign for the referendum on Scottish independence, told Premier Chistian News that he believes the vote is unnecessary.
"It's just a distraction from all the other important business that governments should be getting on with.
"We're still trying to recover from covid and the economy in Scotland isn't doing so well.
"We have enormous problems in our NHS, with waiting times, Scottish education that used to be regarded as the best in the world has been slipping down international league tables.
"We've got major problems with our infrastructure and these are the priorities that we believe the Scottish Government should be focused on, not going down the route of another independence referendum, particularly when we know from all the opinion polling has been done.
"There's no majority in Scotland supporting independence and only roughly one in three of the Scottish people actually want another referendum in the timescale that Nicola Sturgeon is proposing.
"So, in our view, this is an unnecessary and unwanted distraction from what the government in Scotland should be getting on with."
Murdo thinks that the vote will also cause division between the UK and Scotland and wants to encourage people to pray: "I think prayer for healing, pray for people to come together and pray for people to use good judgement I think, is something that'll be very valuable.
"So instead of creating further division, we see some healing in our society."
Premier Christian Radio has approached pro-independence politicians for further comment.