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Brentwood Baptist Church
Mandisa Hudley Memorial Service.png
Brentwood Baptist Church

Hundreds honour Mandisa Hudley at memorial service

by Kelly Valencia

Hundreds honoured Mandisa Hudley at a memorial service held at Brentwood Baptist Church in Tennessee. The 47-year-old gospel singer passed away earlier this month in her Nashville home.

"Mandisa lived her life in song," Hudley’s cousin, Dennie Marshall, said. "On behalf of her entire family and that includes me, let me say thank you for the outpouring of love we've all received since her untimely and unexpected passing."

More than eleven thousand people tuned in to watch the service streamed live on YouTube. Family and friends reminisced about the gospel singer, interwoven with Bible readings, the sermon, worship moments, and a special performance by the Fisk Jubilee Singers alumni from Fisk University, the group Mandisa was a part of during her college years.

Renowned Christian speaker and author Beth Moore also reflected on Hudley’s profound impact.

"Whatever she did she did it with every molecule she had," Moore said. "Mandisa had an impact on an audience that no one I have ever seen. She was simply sublime, utterly mesmerising. She loved Jesus in a way that made everyone around her love Him. We witnessed her worship when no one was looking."

"You know what makes many of us in this room have a throw-down fit? That the Lord Jesus reserved the right to be the only one with Mandisa when she took her last breath of this terrestrial air," Moore continued. "I want you to know that Mandisa knew how to be alone with Jesus. He took those shackles off her feet she she could dance."

Police have ruled out foul play in Hudley’s death. While there has been speculation about her mental health as a possible cause, the police have not disclosed this information. Speaking at the ceremony, Hudley’s father expressed his belief that his daughter’s death was an accident.

"I'm not a detective, but I've spoken to the detectives," John Hundley said. "I've been in Mandisa's home since last Saturday night. It will take about three weeks before they can give a report. Here's what I think happened. Mandisa fell down in her bedroom. They found her on the floor. She did not harm herself."


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